Remember to take into account where you will locate it in your home, climate control it so humidity and temperature are adequate, if there’s a lot of light entering inside, find a different space or control lighting, never use a single paned glass door, a double paned glass door with exterior grade-insulation, if It’s a wood and glass door, make sure is properly sealed.
Try that most of your bottles are stored horizontally, for Angled Displays, try to keep them between 11º and 15º of slope, so the cork is humid, never use a carpet because due to humidity can produce mold and mildew, you would instead use a stone flooring, tiling, or any other type of material adequate for this.
Remember that all room must be properly sealed, avoid having windows, but if they are part of your remodeling space, make sure they are also sealed properly.
Some people invests in insurance and security system for their wine cellars, but some would ask why is this necessary?, but the reason is simple, and we will put an example for you, The San Ysidro Ranch’s Wine Cellar, which Amid the death and destruction delivered throughout Montecito by the 1/9 Debris Flow, suffered when the mudslide also consumed the wine cellar entirely.
There’s actually a news about its reconstruction in the link below or the left Image:
We are glad that we were part of the design team that worked on the CADs that helped to the reconstruction of it.
So why not to invest in an insurance and security system? Despite all, your wine cellar will become part of your life.
As you have read, the details to take into account when designing a wine cellar are very varied, however, only an expert would know how to deliver to your home, not only the ideas and sketches, but also the great CADs that will help you visualize it, and then when built, its features will guarantee a long life and proper storage for your wine collection.